All Special Effects of Spearsong's Blue Chef meals are subject to GM approval, effects are guidelines to fit most RP systems

Monster Meals

Emperor Leech

The Emperor Leech, an evolved form of the KingLeech, not only steals the like from it's prey, regenerating itself, but also can control blood to form pools, spikes, and other means of attack.


The boltfish is known for attacking sailing ships in massive schools, stunning and devouring their prey, no matter the size.


The Qurupeco, a wyvern, is known for their sonic abilities, whether it be mimicking its prey or blowing out eardrums.

Every meal can be made by selecting a monster meat. How it's prepared will changehow it affects the consumer.The above monsters are currently available to eat. If you bring in your own monster (BYOM) make sure to tell the chef about the monster!Simply pick which 'Style' and watch the chef make their magic~

Monster Meal Styles

Active effects will go away after usage. Passive effects remain for one day if it's a battle effect, three if a utility effect. A consumer may only benefit from one active and one passive effect at a time.
Not all monsters will have all four effects. Speak with your chef for further details.

'Raw' Plates

Raw cuts, sushi, 'Blue' steaks, Plantkin Salads
The monster's 'core' has been left undisturbed, leaving its raw ability intact. The meal will grant an active effect to the consumer based on the offensive abilities of the consumed.

'Packaged' Plates

Sandwiches, tacos, pizzas, and salads (if a meat).
The monster's core has been packaged, becoming a part of the whole of the meal and protected. The meal will grant an active effect to the consumer based on the defensive abilities of the consumed.

'Roasted' Plates

Roasted, grilled, or otherwise cooked. The monster is the main ingredient
The monster's 'core' has broiled, cooked, or otherwise processed, rendering the physical attributes of the monster able to be absorbed. The meal will grant an passive effect to the consumer based on the offensive abilities of the consumed.

'Essence' Plates

Soups, broths, stews, curries.
The monster's core has blended in with the rest of the dish, allowing for the body to absorb the attributes of the monster throughout their whole body. The meal will grant an passive effect to the consumer based on the defensive abilities of the consumed.

Roasted Nettlehopper

Abdomen and Legs stuffed with lemon pepper seasoning and garlic, then roasted at high hear. Served with a tangy onion salad. Inquire about keeping the scythes.

Pumpkin Head Gratin

Taken from the body of a now inanimate Pumpkin Head mandragora, this dish has been made into a sweet and savory cauliflower gratin. Aromatics from the onion and seasoning with nutmeg and paprika bring a mild spice.Upon eating this, you will now suddenly be sad that autumn is nearing its end, though this effect isn’t magical. It’s just about damned time

T-Rexaur Nuggets

Spicy battered nuggets coated in a sweet soy glaze, hunted from the local T-Rexaur population in Dravania. Served with Rice and Gridanian broccoli. Who's at the top of the food chain now?

Roasted Nettlehopper

Slagworm Stew

Prepared this morning, rest of the beast was donated to the K Tribe. An earthy stew with carrots, popatoes , tangy oranges, and sagoli peppers to balance out the meaty taste.

Sorath Steak

Beast Caught in the Ishgardian Wilderness. Steaks cooked in a creamy mushroom and garlic sauce and left to simmer until tender. Served with Ishgardian Baguette to dip.

Caesar Salad

A delightfully meaty seafood salad made from Caesar Scissor meat, minced shallots, cool cream, celery, paprika, cucumber, and carrots. Served with a local grilled veggie blend.

Tail Vault Tacos

Freshmade tortillas and the breast meat of the Tail Vault, known for their restorative properties when eaten. Good for joint and muscle pain. Topped with a pineapple coleslaw to give some tang.

Roasted Nettlehopper

Surf and Turf Acrophies

A delightful combination of hearty snake meat, fried with garlic and butter until tender, and the main shellfish meat, boiled and served with melted butter. The meat of the Acrophies is extremely spicy. When eating, roll /random. DC-700 to beat the heat!

Braised Oilboyle with Wasabi Butter

Caught from a deep dive in Limsan waters, this sea slug is known for its natural oils (purified from toxins of course), thus was perfect for braising with shiitake mushrooms and served with Gridanian broccoli. Melted Wasabi butter to dip.

Roasted Nettlehopper

Gigan Tako Tacos

The Gigan Octopus, cooked to perfection and seasoned with a special spice blend and topped with sliced jalapenos and habaneros.Topped with a pineapple slaw. Handmade flour tortillas are ensured to be big enough to fit two to the plate. Can you eat it all?

Trick Sparrow Wings

Delightfully sweet and spicy smoked wings made from a trick sparrow. What’s the trick? The sauce is made with Ifrit’s Wrath. Don’t let the wings do you in~

Roasted Nettlehopper

Grilled and Roasted Grat

With the heftiness of the Grat,the vines are first separated and thrown on a grill, seasoned with a sweet soy and ginger marinade. The body is then coated in the same marinade and roasted into the center is cooked and the leaves are crispy and curled.

Filetted Phlegyas on Ratatouille

This aquatic fish-bird, known for its powerful shouts, was caught and grilled with lemon and seasoned to perfection before being laid on the savory ratatouille dish. The meat is an odd hybrid between the taste of swordfish with that of chicken, giving the little steak a buttery consistency.

Roasted Nettlehopper

Braised and Roasted Belladonna

The Belladonna, also known as a Mantrap, dragontrap, or X-trap of many names, has fallen prey to our hunters! This meaty plant has both vines that have been braised in a garlic sauce, with the body set to roast for several hours in a soy ginger flavor medley until it curls into a fine crisp.

Rockfin no Nitsuke

Caught in a deep seas voyage recently, the Rockfin (also known as the Bullet Shark for how it torpedoes into ships) has been braised in a sauce containing soy sauce, sake, mirin, and sugar. Served with steamed rice and a light miso soup. Inquire if you would like the crown or the teeth for materials.

Roasted Nettlehopper

Jerk Iguion Legs

The Belladonna, also known as a Mantrap, dragontrap, or X-trap of many names, has fallen prey to our hunters! This meaty plant has both vines that have been braised in a garlic sauce, with the body set to roast for several hours in a soy ginger flavor medley until it curls into a fine crisp.

RagtimeMouse Charcuterie Bowl

Taken down after a serious bout involving game shows, this beast's tender flesh cures wonderfully. Served with a variety of vegetables, fruits, cheeses, and purple cauliflower.The consumer of any of the various morsels of cured RagtimeMouse will answer the next yes/no question truthfully. There are many slices, so eat as much or as little as you wish.

Roasted Nettlehopper

Braised Bandersnatch Brisket

The Bandersnatch is known for its sleep-inflicting tongue and awful temperament. Which is why we drowned the meat in a red wine sauce to braise it in. Sweet and savory, this brisket nearly falls apart when picked up via fork.Sleep Training!: If you would like to train your resistance to sleep effects, the Spearsong Crew will serve you the tongue, cooked in the same manner as the brisket.

Sandboil Broil

Another massive dish, the sandboil waits to ambush its enemies in the sand, poisoning them with sports and then dragging them into its trap. Poison, suffocation, or its awful teeth, this is a beast to be feared...Anyways, this bugger was marinated in honey ginger lime sauces for a week to put some moisture back in the tough meat. Served with a chipotle crema dipping sauce, these skewers will leave your mouth watering!~Magical Effect: Asked for it to be served with the poison spore sauce for a poison resistance training meal.

Sucker Stuffed Takoyaki

The Sucker, a canal inhabiting cephalopod known for its ten arms and its proclivity of attacking only women, picked the wrong one to hunt this week.Sweet and savory, these meaty treats come in threes and each the size of a hyur's fist. Topped with a Doman mayo and a special sauce to send you through the roof.~Magical Effect: Women who eat this will feel the sense that a great justice has been done by eating this

All Special Effects of Utayuu's Blue Chef meals are subject to GM approval, effects are guidelines to fit most RP systems. Most meals will last through your next adventurer.

Adventurer Dishes

Dagonite and Dumplings

This aquatic scalekin is known for briefly boosting itself with its Power Spritz ability before Rushing in and wreaking devastation against its prey. To combat the toughness of the meat, it has been slow cooked for several days until the meat is tender, then cooked with carrots, cream, chicken stock, and a combination of spices that creates a hearty, but invigorating meal. After eating, the consumer will feel energized and raring to go for any activity, granting small bonuses to strength, speed, endurance, magic potency, and magical protections for an hour or until attacked or until the consumer attacks.

Roasted Nettlehopper

Honey Thyme Grendel in Red Wine Sauce

Hunted deep in the Twelveswood, this beast has been slowly cooked for several days until tender in a red wine sauce. Is a very heavy meal, so a complimentary take home bag is given to eat throughout the week.
Upon eating, the consumer's body becomes charged with electricity from within. Within 24 hours, the user can expel this built up electricity in a breath of lightning. Until expelled, the electricity heightens nerve endings, causing the body to be more sensitive to touch

Jerk Iguion Legs

Caught off of the LaNoscean coasts of Raincatcher Gully, this beast has been cooked with jerk sauce and garlic, seasoned with paprika, tumeric, and thyme. Served with a mango habanero barbecue sauce. Upon eating this, the consumer will gain the ability to stick to any surface with their hands and feet for two hours. (Inquire about the Gem-like eggs that were found during the hunt. We don’t know what to do with them other than cook them)

Roasted Nettlehopper

The Holy Hpemde

This glowing deep sea creature has been boiled and then split into two parts, the body and the extremities. Tentacles and tail are thinly sliced and served sashimi style with wasabi and soy sauce. The body is sauteed with butter, garlic, and ginger. Served with a wakame seaweed salad. In spite of our best efforts, the light aether is still infused in the dish, and eating the meal may cause certain people’s skin to glow. Roll /random to determine your luminosity!

Blueberry Gemhorn Burgers

The Gemhorn, a rare cave dwelling variant of the Slaven, has been cooked with pickled red wine onions on top and crushed blueberries in the burger meat and seasoned lovingly, then topped with blue cheese. Local burger buns from Milliaud’s Bakery. After Eating, the consumer will feel heavier with earth aether. For the next six hours, if you would take an attack, negate the first instance of damage you suffer.

Roasted Nettlehopper

Pico Pesto Pasta

Made from a pesto using local Gridanian Basil, garlic, and the Picochu, the nut-like seedlings of the Ochu. This gnocchi dish is topped with parmesan to balance the intense flavor of the pesto. Upon eating this, the consumer will be seen as friendly to all Ochu for the next 8 hours. Be careful, as they may see you as their children and will try and feed you.

Grilled Scalebeast Skewers

Hunted in the wilds of Garlemald, the Scalebeast takes time and patience to take down. Served with a lime chili sauce and seasoned with cajun spice, this combination of spicy and tang will have you craving more. Upon eating, physical and magical defenses are increased immensely for a single combat scenario unless weakened via other means. (Selling the Scalehide's metallic scales to customers first before being sold to Ishgard)

Roasted Nettlehopper

Mountain of Hundlegs

This large centipede monster has been roasted until the meat is tender and served coiled into a massive, served with a mango habanero barbecue sauce. Served with a hammer to crack the carapace.Once consumed, the next natural attack delivered through natural means -bites or punches- will carry a debilitating venom, designed to stun and poison the target

Coraldevil Tail Cutlets

This beast, of the coast of Old Sharlyan, can seem to breath indefinitely, in spite its lack of gills. Utayuu, with the help of the Echo's End Arena, was able to turn this creature into a tender meal, served with Chili and Soybean sauce for dipping.Once consumed, the user can breathe in salt or brackish water for 12 hours

Roasted Nettlehopper

Molokujata Khorkog

A food study of the Azim Steppe with the help of Jagadai Oronir, this Xaela dish is both hearty and served with a tangy vinegar marinade and an assortment of veggies from the Steppe Marketplace.The Molokujata, known for its rage, attacks even its parents shortly after being born.The Consumer, after eating, will feel an intense pressure and stress that they will need to unleash. This doesn't have to be through violence, but when unleashed in combat, it allows the user to attack twice in the first round, at the expense of some vulnerability during that round

Sphinx Shawarma

The Sphinx, a horrific beast when angered, also cooks up delightfully when tenderized and marinated and thinly sliced before cooked on a rotisserie. Served on a pita wrap with onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, french fries, tahini sauce, and hot sauce.The consumer, after eating, will feel the intense need to both ask and answer riddles. Weird, how it does that

Roasted Nettlehopper

Hellhound Hot Hot Hotdogs

The Hellhound, a beast found in the fiery volcanic areas of Yanxia. Utayuu has finally put that meat grinder to use, making a painfully spicy and sweet sausage plate, topped with green onions and jalapenos.(The consumer, upon eating, adds +500 to their heat score -see Ifrit’s Wrath Whisky for rules-, but also can make the first attack they make in their next hunt or fight, become fiery, regardless of it being physical or magic)

Gil Snapper Soup

The Gil snapper, in spite of its name, doesn’t actually take your gil. But given the buttery goodness of it’s meat, the soup should cost a pretty gil piece. Perfect for those chilly days, this soup will fortify you and help dispel any lingering ailments.(When eaten, the consumer will recover from any lingering illnesses or poisons at twice the speed. For the next three days, poisons and diseases can be resisted with an advantage)

Roasted Nettlehopper

Bolt Fish Tacos

The Bolt Fish is known for shocking whoever attacks it and even using it to eat smaller fish. After an ocean voyage, this fish has been brought to your plate in taco form! Lightly fried and served with cilantro, purple cabbage, and a delightful cumin and paprika spiced sauce, this dish will have the hairs on your head standing on end.(For each Taco (three in total) roll /random. This will build up a static charge in your body. You can discharge it at any time, but a total of 1000 will allow the user to cast Thunder I, with another 500 upgrading it, up to Thunder IV at 2500. Anything below 1000 will result is static discharge with 999 being a pretty bad shock)

Slow Roasted Rathalos

The Azure Rathalos is a lesser wyvern, but that doesn't mean it is any less deadly. Known for its reliance on its ranged fiery breath attacks, this beast devasted Camp Dragonhead until the Spearsong Hunters took the beast down. Our Own Shion nearly lost an arm to put a bullet in its head.In commemoration of the meal, eyeless heads sculpted from its flanks are served with stewed veggies and rice.Special Effect - The Consumer of this meal can Enact one of three Special Abilities in the next 24 hours:
-Wreathe your body in flames, granting Fire Resistance for the next Hour and causing minor harm to close ranged attackers
- Sprout a pair of Blue Wyvern wings for the next hour, these wings can be used for flight and as an extra appendage to attack with
- Launch a Fireball from your mouth big enough to strike a small area, lighting everything ablaze.

Roasted Nettlehopper

Smoked Griffon Wings

A true predator of the Ala Mhigan lands, the Griffon surpringly enough makes tasty wings. Whole white, nor red meat, the wings are hefty. Comes in Wings or Drumsticks*Upon Eating, the consumer gain the ability to blow a lot harder than normal, increasing their blowing strength fivefold for the next 24 hours, creating small gusts if they wish. Be careful not to sneeze~ *


Spiced to perfection, the kebabs marinate in a mixture of yogurt, olive oil, paprika, cumin, cinnamon, red pepper flakes, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt, pepper and garlic before being roasted. Served on a bed of Uldahn rice pilaf with dried fruits and almonds.The consumer, after eating, will be able to replicate any sound they've heard, as their vocal chords shift to help mimic their intent. This effect lasts for half an hour.

Roasted Nettlehopper

Peco Pan-seared Killer Shark

Using the lightning charged acide from a qurupeco, this relentlessly marinated tender fish has a golden brown crust and cooked in a Qurupeco acid, caper, and parsley sauce.The Consumer, after eating, will be able to cause electrical arcs between two contacts points in their own mouth. This does not harm the consumer, and the effect will dissipate should they choose to Tase someone or somethingDON'T TASE ME BRO

Bulette Burrito

Taking inspiration from Uta's temporary home in the New World, the Bulette Burrito gets its namesake from the digging monstrosity who can sense its prey by the vibrations its makes on the ground. Made with fresh flour tortillas, bullet-loin, and fresh New World herbs and vegetables, this delightful dish will offer a truly new experience.~Magical Effect: You can sense where things are up to 20 meters away through the ground using your feet. This of course does not sense creatures in the air.

Roasted Nettlehopper

Training Dishes

All Special Effects of Utayuu's Blue Chef meals are subject to GM approval, effects are guidelines to fit most RP systems. Most meals will last through your next adventurer. All Training Dishes are meant to help prepare against status effects. Consumer discretion is advised.

Stuffed Sleep Sprout

Seasoned with some savory Remedy in the cooking process, this blue mushroom is stuffed with gouda, basil, fried bread crumbs, and extra stripped down stalks of the mushroom. Though all of the harmful effects of this mushroom are still cooked out, it still has some residual sleep-aid effects. (DC 300 to avoid getting sleepy)

Roasted Nettlehopper

Poison Eagle Rotisserie (Poison)

The poison eagle, a small and delicate bird with an intense poison laced through its blood. It has been caught, cooked, and treated with antidote herbs and stuffed with a special garlic and chicken gravy to compliment the bitter taste of the herbs. A wonderful way to build up a tolerance to poisons of all sorts.(The consumer, upon eating, must roll /random. DC 600. If they succeed, they can gain poison resistance for the next week. If they roll 100 or below, tomorrow’s stomach ache will be legendary)

Absolutely Stunning Asparagus

The large omnivorous rodent, known as the Stunner, can keep its prey immobile for as long as it needs. Fortunately for you, the diner, this beast has been fileted and wrapped around roasted asparagus, drizzled with a balsamic glaze, and served for your personal paralysis resistance training.(The consumer, upon eating, must roll /random. DC 600. If they succeed, they can gain stun/paralysis resistance for the next week. If they roll 100 or below, joints will be slow to act for a day, granting a disadvantage to movement based rolls)

Roasted Nettlehopper

Paneer Morbol Masala
(Challenge Training Meal)

A heavily spiced cheese dish with cinnamon, peppers, cinnamon, mint, coriander, and several different herbal remedies for various maladies. Underneath all the spice is still an underlying bitterness from its main ingredient, a morbol bile sac. The medicinal herbs added lessen the effects of the poisons to not be lethal, but still enough for a training meal in a plethora of awful effects.Training Meal!
The Morbol Masala is a true endurance test. Every 6th portion, roll /random to resist each of the following effects at a DC 300. If you pass, you are resistant to the specific effect for the next two weeks. If you beat a 900, you are immune to that effect for the same time. Roll in order for Poison, Paralysis, Slow, Heavy, Blind, Silence. Failing will inflict that contion on the consumer